Frieze Groups

Frieze Group: F2; p11g; ∞x ; Glide Reflection

If you've tried to understand glide reflection and failed it's not your fault. If you haven't tried to understand glide reflection, my goal is to have you be able to figure it out on your first try. It's a real sweet symmetry operation. I am going to write this post, but I think actually watching… Continue reading Frieze Group: F2; p11g; ∞x ; Glide Reflection


Giving In to Giving Up

After exploring the language of symmetry, which I wrote about in my previous post, I started trying to figure out a straightforward way to teach this symmetry to the children that I will be meeting with next month. I've spent many hours over many days, creating all sorts of pattern templates, page templates, drawings, designs… Continue reading Giving In to Giving Up


Exploring the Language of Patterns

News Flash: A Codified Language Exists to Describe Patterns. I've been so excited to discover the way to speak about patterns. I've been teaching decorative techniques for a long time now. I've started trying to use more precise terminology in my teaching, and I suspected there was more to know. I started out looking at artistic and graphic design… Continue reading Exploring the Language of Patterns