Art and Math

Bubbles & Connections

Sometimes it feels like the universe is conspiring to remind me of connections. Years ago I played around with decorating papers with colored bubbles. "Bubble marbling" is a simple technique that can create some really fun images. I've hardly ever done this with kids because it can get really messy. I did teach it in… Continue reading Bubbles & Connections

Outdoor Art · summer art/math

Flowers, Shapes, and 4- & 5-year-olds

    It's summer. We're surrounded by nature here in rural upstate New York. There's no question that I want the kids that I am working with to play with plants.. I haven't had much practice with using summer-time foliage in my workshops. Well, I have more practice now. I tried out a couple of… Continue reading Flowers, Shapes, and 4- & 5-year-olds


Building Symmetry with 4 & 5 year-olds

I have way too many photographs for a single post.  Although only about a dozen 4-and 5-year-olds were with me yesterday playing with symmetry, they were so engaged and made so many beautiful images, both simple and complex, that I got carried away with taking pictures. Here's how it went: first I talked with the… Continue reading Building Symmetry with 4 & 5 year-olds

Art and Math

Making Shapes with 4-&5-year-olds…

.... which includes blowing bubbles with Platonic Solids The local program for rising kindergartners has begun, and once again I get to hang out with these kids, once a week for 6 weeks, doing all sorts of explorations that have to do with paper projects, with relationship thinking and with numbers. This group of kids,… Continue reading Making Shapes with 4-&5-year-olds…