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Four Page Accordion and SMART Boards

Make an accordion and a French Fold Accordion By Paula Beardell Krieg

Last Wednesday, and each Wednesday during this month of March, I will be working on a project with third graders. This is an ambitious project that links the student’s research about various countries with lots of bookmaking. We first make a large folder with pockets, which we refer to as a suitcase, then students make small handmade books in these pockets. These small books will be filled with writing and pictures relevant to the country that each student is studying.

There are SMART Boards in each of these classrooms. This means that when I draw out the instructions for making the books the teachers can click on a “Save” button and save what I have drawn. I often try to erase the drawings before the save because I start off drawing big and end up squeezing in the last steps, which makes for a silly looking set of instructions. But erasing the steps before the students can complete them is silly too.

This past week a light went on in my head: if I draw out what I want the students to know and save it on-line then I can link the SMART Board to my image….not only that, but I can email the links of the appropriate images to teachers before I meet with them. This can facilitate easy retrieval of my tutorial pages, and it can also be stored as a reference, thereby empowering the teachers to re enforce the bookmaking techniques after my residency is over.

Oh, last week we made a simple accordion, like in the drawings above.  I then taught a couple of pop-ups to put in the valley folds. That will be what the next handout will be about.

snow in our backyard

In the meantime, the snow is showing some signs of melting here. Notice that the hand pump is emerging from the snow. We can see our picnic table now. But last week after a thaw, followed by rain, then freezing rain, I had to call and postpone working at a school because my car tires were completely frozen into a 6 inch puddle of ice.

4 thoughts on “Four Page Accordion and SMART Boards

  1. Hi, Paula. …aaaaannnnnddddd your instruction sheets provide the kids with insight into how to depict something that’s hard to describe in words, yet interesting to show as illustrations. I think it’d be fun to have the kids each do their own graphic illustration of a book making process inside a book made from the illustrations. C
    PS check for misplaced ‘with’ in Ln 18


    1. Tomorrow I am going to try out this idea of having an intstruction sheet at the ready for the SMART Board. The image will be which is stored in my blog media library. I can’t wait to see how it goes.

      That “with” in ln 18 was, metinks, a speech impediment error not a typo.

      I like your idea of book making book made with the help of the bookmaking instructions…..thanks, Cynthia.


  2. well…look who it is….HELLO!!!!!! great to “see” you. I have been subbing ALOT at Dorothy Nolan…i have to try to get you in….sounds like you have been busy…me too…glad youre still here!


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