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Biome Books, Post #2

Tundra Biome

Here is second post showcasing the magnificent Biome Books made by Mrs. DePace’s second grade class during my time with them last spring.  Futurer posts will contain more how-to details about these books.

Taiga Biome
Taiga Biome by Michael

From what I recall, the young man who created this page was insistent that he had no ability to create a visually acceptable page.  His teacher showed him how to make some simply drawn trees, and he just took off from there.

Biome Book by elementary student
As the Page Turns

This view of the book shows a good view of the pop-ups on the first spread of pages, and gives a hint of the second spread, which contains the written research done by the students.

Presentation Pages for Biome Research

This is the second spread of pages, where the written research about the biome resides.  Notice that the writing is done in four separate min-book that are attached onto these pages. More about this later…

I gave students a choice of using dark paper or light blue paper on which to illustrate their biome.  I was surprised that this student chose a dark color for the desert biome.  He explained to me that he was going to do a night scene of the desert.  It was a great decision. So that his drawings would show up well, he used Crayola Gel Markers.  Cut paper shows up great on dark pages, so I was glad to see that he took advantage of this.

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